Monday, September 21, 2009

Day Twenty-one

Good morning!  Fresh back from the gym, and feeling pretty good.  Lovely daughter and I were nearly home from the gym before we realised we'd walked quickly up the hill, talking continuously without even a pause to catch our breath.  As she isn't juicing, I guess we have the workouts to thank for that.

So yesterday was fine, no major revelations.

I drank 3 green juices, a hefty dose of vitamineral green and a melon juice.  My by now normal routine.

Weight is exactly the same as yesterday - 63.3kg (139.5lb).  This seems to be a pattern;  a loss followed by a plateau.  That's fine with me, because now I can actually see that pattern, and I'm not concerned.

Perhaps I'm not so concerned because the juicing is causing me to feel generally pretty optimistic.

So I really don't have much else to talk about today.  Just keeping on with things, feeling OK although for an insane five minutes yesterday all I could think about was bacon and eggs with tomato ketchup, of all things.  So weird, as it's been years since I ate bacon.  Maybe I was detoxing some stowed-away bacon, hidden in my body fat, or something.  No idea.  Anyhow, that seems to be over now.

I found a great website over the weekend.  Shea Lynn Baird is a colon hydrotherapist and food allergy expert, who also does an incredible job of arranging Cafe Gratitude's Monday Night Live - a lineup of great speakers from the raw food world.  Every Monday night somebody comes along and does a talk, and the best thing is that Shea videos the talks and posts them on her website, where you can watch the whole thing for free!  I would highly recommend taking the time, because you get to see so many highly-respected people from within the raw food community who are so excited and generous with their knowledge.  Many have written books and teach classes.  Shea's videos are a great way to listen to what they have to say and decide if you want to find out more.

I have a lot of work to do today, so that's it for now.

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