Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day Twenty-three

I'm finding it harder to find things to post about, other than just the normal routine.

Big weight loss today - 62.8kg (138.4lb).  I've no idea why.

It's so strange, seeing the way this all works, but in some ways it's good - weighing myself every day I know that if there is a plateau and I just keep on with what I'm doing, then it seems normally it's followed by a substantial drop.

Made a celebratory dinner for the family for a special event last night - made a delicious vegan meal and dessert, then sat at the table with everyone and drank my juice from a beautiful jug, poured into a wine glass.  I must admit I did watch everyone eat with more interest than usual, but never did I feel deprived or miserable.

More tomorrow.

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